Thursday, June 21, 2007

2nd Night in New York City

Abby and I took the train into the city (grand central station is a very cool building) and we were planning on immediately taking the subway down to the ferry so we could go to see the statue of Liberty. However, I was curious to see what was outside the train station as I figured it would be in a central location with some cool stuff around it. Turns out I was right. We got distracted and never actually made it to the ferry that day which turned out to be a good thing because the weather was kind of blah that day. First we saw:
St. Patrick's Cathedral


The Empire State Building

Hot Dogs... and shopping for the rest of the day. We went up all nine floors of Macy's.

Finally to end the evening... The Phantom of the Opera! Loved it!
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Anonymous said...

ah! phantom! : )

i love broadway...i'm sure you had a blast!

Jenny said...

hey carly, I am so jealous!! One day I will got to NYC! I miss you much!!! I can't wait to see you...3 weeks!!! YAY!!!