Monday, November 06, 2006

Today is a Beautiful Day

Isn't it funny that something as simple as sunshine can have such a great impact on your mood?

Word of the day: Peregrination
per‧e‧gri‧na‧tion [per-i-gruh-ney-shuhn] –noun
1. travel from one place to another, esp. on foot.
2. a course of travel; journey.

There are two squirrels that live in our back yard. A grey squirrel and a black squirrel. I've named the black one Beatrix and grey one Potter. We often see them running as they make their peregrinations from one end of the housing strip to the other carrying acorns in their mouths. All of the backyards are seperated by fences and we all have our own little tree. I imagine it looks much different to the squirrels; all the yards are connected by the branches that spread from tree to tree.

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