Thursday, November 29, 2007

Is it still November?

I got the worst charlie horse of my life last night. It seemed like it lasted for 15 minutes--at one point I put my hand on my leg and I could actually feel the muscles twitching. It was really gross. My leg is still sore. Not sure what caused it, but before I went to work this morning I looked it up online to see some ways I could deal with the soreness and how to prevent it from happening in the future. Half of the websites weren't actually about the muscles spasm but were people's Myspace pages--annoying. After a couple minutes of searching I got something that said it could be from a lack of potassium and magnesuim, and it can be brought on by exhaustion and dehydration. Well, that could be true. I am making a resolution to drink more water and eat more bananas in the future.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hobble Gobbling

Picture this: a 15-passenger van, loaded to the ceiling with duffle bags, blankets, pillows, and 10 people crammed in like sardines, careening down a windy road. Suddenly hysterical screaming comes from the back seat. "Gideon's throwing up!"
Suddenly the whole van is in an uproar with people trying to dive into the trunk to avoid Gideon's vomit which had no place to go except on the floor of the van and his shoes. 15 minutes later we stop at the first place with a parking lot and tumble out into the cold rain while Dad tried to clean Gideon off with a water bottle and a handful of kleenex. This was just in the first hour of our trip to NJ.
Actually, aside from the vomiting and Eliza kicking me in her sleep (we had to share a bed), it was a pretty good trip. I ate more than I thought was physically possible, but what else is Thanksgiving for?
A week prior to Thanksgiving I took place in a prediction walk/run to raise money for the Holiday Fund. You try to predict how long it will take you to go a certain amount of miles and the closer you are to your predicted time the better. The top five closest people won turkeys. I went 4 miles in 51 min... 1 min off from my predicted time of 50 min. It's kind of funny actually because I was convinced I was going too fast so I walked the last 1/2 mile to get closer to my time. Guess I'm slower than I thought.
I put the snow tires on my car today! All by myself! Except for Sam--he helped a little. Actually, I was supposed to go to the shop and have them put on my snow tires Nov. 15 but missed the date. Then it snowed and I needed them on soon so I just decided to do it myself. So between that and participating in my first run for charity I'm feeling very strong.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, but now we move onto Christmas. Decorations are already up and stores everywhere are playing Christmas songs. Guess I'd better get up to speed. Happy shopping, Everyone!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Completely Random

Ok, it's getting pretty close to the Holidays--a good time to bring up a good discussion topic. My sister recently gave me some cookies in this tin:


If the picture is a little hard to see I'll attempt to describe it for you. There is an idyllic, typical Christmas scene going on: a barn covered in snow, a starry night, a man and woman dressed warmly carrying presents, and a horse-drawn sleigh. Across the middle of this scene is a cowboy, complete with a lasso, and a giant star. What is happening in this picture? Was the cowboy picked up by aliens in Texas and then beamed down from space someplace in Massachusetts? Does the giant star stand for the lone-star state, or is it the star of Bethlehem? This is extremely confusing to me. Just thought I'd share.
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Monday, November 05, 2007

Electric Typewriter

Hmmm.. I am a very unreliable blogger. I have been very busy lately--I work all the time it seems like. Two of my most favorite things about my job:
1. Using the electric typewriter. If you have never used one before you are missing out on one of the most fun things ever. Every time you push a button it makes a satisfying clack. Plus, when you hit enter, it gets really noisy and the cursor (I wish I knew the terminology for typewriter parts) moves back to the beginning.
2. Printing articles from micfo-film. It is really cool.
A few weeks ago I wrote something about how I looked too young to be working here and I should start wearing my hair in a bun, etc. Well, for the past few days of work I've been wearing my glasses and I have a white streak in my hair (residue of helping Arielle paint her apartment, but it looks like I'm graying). I haven't really noticed that it's commanded any more respect though. Maybe I should start bringing my knitting to work.
This has been a strange November so far. I'm hoping for snow soon!