Sunday, December 03, 2006

My Wicked Time in Toronto

I must really like Toronto because I've been there two weeks in a row now. Last Friday I met Abby there to see Wicked: we visited China Town, went out to eat, and saw the musical. The next day we shopped for a few hours and then went to see Happy Feet on the Imax. It was probably the best weekend of my month.... or semester. This Friday I was Lisa's escort to an information session at the University of Toronto. After that we went shopping and then had dinner with Nardeen. Aside from the pouring rain it was awesome. Here are some highlights of last week:

Wally with the CN tower.

Me and Abby in China Town. The tower was supposed to be behind us but our heads are too big. But we got new hats there! Everything in China Town is rediculously cheap!

Salt and Pepper shakers... that really like each other.

Happy Feet!!! I LOVED this movie!

Father Penguin: What are you doing? (as baby penguin is spazing out all over the place)
Mumble: I'm happy!
Father: What are you doing with your feet???
Mumble: They're happy too! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

sigh... i want to see wicked. Glad you had a nice time... but keep in mind... MOST things are cheap in China...not just chinatown.

hint hint.

carlyrae said...

Lee told us that the reason things are so cheap there is that people steal stuff and then deliver it to the stores in giant trucks. Oh well...